Draper City

The SunCrest Community is a part of Draper City. All of our civic services are taken care of by the city, including emergency, fire, and police services, as well as the parks and recreation and trash services. From time to time, we know that you will need to contact the city. Below you will find links to the various departments and services the city provides.
Reverse 9-1-1 Registry (Salt Lake & Utah County)
Draper City and the Police Department also provide us with great informational maps and statistics, as well as an informative newsletter regarding crime and Neighborhood Watch. These are typically updated several times a month. You can read about those by clicking the links below.
Neighborhood Watch Newsletter
June 2021
Draper City Crime Map
April 2021
*Please note that the city is currently changing reporting systems for the map and stats feature. Once updated documents are available, we will update the links. Please contact the Draper City Police Department above with any questions or concerns.